Project leader (Projectleider)

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A project leader or project manager is a manager who is responsible for project management. As a project leader you are responsible for the successful realization of a project. In general, the project leader will be responsible for various project staff, who are part of the project team. Most organizations use project leaders, because they have to deal with large and usually complex projects, which must be managed and supervised in a good way. The most important words for a project leader are management, delegation, control and performance. Especially performance can be considered an important word, because in most cases projects have a certain end date after which the project must be finished. A project leader can be seen as a manager, with the difference that a project leader is sometimes a temporary manager. It is true that a good project leader is usually also given responsibility for new projects if a project is successfully completed. The profession of project leader must be seen very generally, because project leaders can work in different sectors in different ways. It is true that all project leaders are ultimately responsible for projects. The profession of project leader should not be underestimated, because the successful management of projects can in some cases be regarded as heavy work. In addition, project leaders are usually judged on the results achieved. In other words, a project leader will have to perform in order to be eligible for new projects. As a project leader, being able to coordinate and manage different employees is important.

A project leader is therefore a ‎‎manager‎‎ who will manage various ‎‎project employees‎‎. As a project leader, you are in most cases ultimately responsible for the project. As described earlier, these will usually be projects that are large or ‎‎complex‎‎ in terms of size, or, for example, do not fit in with standard business operations. Because these are usually complex assignments, a project leader can be expected to have ‎‎knowledge‎‎ of the project. In many cases, this means that companies and governments search internally for possible suitable candidates that fit the project. A project leader can only properly supervise and execute a project if he or she knows the objectives of the project and if the project leader has the right knowledge. Because every project can ask for specific knowledge, it is therefore not the case that a project leader receives a new project after the project by default, because specific knowledge can play an important role. As a project leader, it is your responsibility to get all faces in the same direction to make a project possible. This usually means that you will consult and meet a lot with involved clients, companies and any governments. Coordinating different processes to make the project a success is usually quite a task, which requires a lot of perseverance. As a project leader, you usually not only have to deal with internal staff, but also a lot with external parties, who may have other interests. In some cases, a project leader can also be regarded as ‎‎a quartermaster‎‎, ‎‎change manager‎‎ and possibly as ‎‎a negotiator‎‎.‎


‎Project management relates to ‎‎controlling‎‎ projects. Within project management, projects are organized in a fixed way, so that projects have a high chance of success. Think of starting the project, planning the project, dividing up parts, carrying out the project, monitoring the project and ending the project. Project management is all about managing projects as efficiently as possible. Project-based work is therefore important as a project leader in order to ultimately be able to successfully complete a project. If a project leader is dealing with complex projects, the scrum methodology can also be used. By applying the scrum methodology, the chance of possible errors will be minimized. It is conceivable that the project leader can also be regarded as the ‎‎scrum master‎‎. This does not always have to be the case, because this can also concern another project employee. A scrum master is in all cases responsible for helping the project team. As a scrum master, being able ‎‎to coach‎‎ other team members is important. It is not the case that the scrum master is responsible for the project. It is the project leader, who remains ultimately responsible for the project. In most cases, ‎‎experience‎‎ can be regarded as an important competence. It is conceivable that a project leader also has to deal with ‎‎program managers‎‎.‎


  • ‎Managing project members‎
  • ‎Acting as a point of contact‎
  • ‎Drawing up the project plan‎
  • ‎Reporting to managers and the board of directors‎
  • ‎Bringing parties together‎
  • ‎Preparing projects‎
  • ‎Monitoring budgeting‎
  • ‎Monitoring progress‎



‎Full-time training opportunities are not available for the project leader profession. In general, a project leader will have at least a specific hbo education. Think, for example‎‎, of the Hbo programme in business management‎‎, the ‎‎HBO programme in commercial economics‎‎ or the ‎‎HBO programme in business administration‎‎. Which programme will suit you best depends on the sector in which you work. However, various training courses and courses are offered by external trainers in the field of project management. In most cases, experience and knowledge will determine whether an employee is eligible for the position of project leader. Becoming a project leader is therefore not only dependent on the level of education. In most cases, a project leader will have to be able to be regarded as a specialist in order to be eligible for the position of project leader. Some important words within project management are management, ‎‎planning‎‎, risk analysis, conversation techniques, effectiveness and influencing strategies. In addition, there are also plenty ‎‎of external training institutes‎‎ where you can follow a course. Accounting is ‎‎also‎‎ important as an entrepreneur.‎


‎As a project leader you can work for various companies, organizations and governments in all conceivable sectors. In general, this concerns the larger organizations, which regularly have to deal with different projects. Think, for example, of ‎‎manufacturers‎‎, large ‎‎small businesses‎‎, ‎‎ICT companies‎‎, ‎‎construction companies‎‎, ‎‎civil‎‎ companies, ‎‎municipalities‎‎, ‎‎insurance companies‎‎ and financial institutions. In addition, it is conceivable that a project leader can be regarded as ‎‎a consultant‎‎ or as ‎‎an interim manager‎‎. This is often the case when it comes to complex and long-term projects. In fact, project leaders can work anywhere. Industry knowledge is important as a project leader, because a project leader must be able to be regarded as a specialist.‎


‎As a project leader or project manager, you must first of all have good management qualities. In addition, you must have good ‎‎communication‎‎ skills. This is the case, because you usually have to deal with many different managers, project employees, ‎‎project administrators‎‎ and the ‎‎board of directors‎‎. Two other important words for a project leader are ‎‎innovation‎‎ and ‎‎inspiration‎‎. Inspiration in particular can be very important to get project staff and the management sufficiently ‎‎motivated‎‎. Depending on the type of project‎‎, networking‎‎ can also be regarded as an important competence. Generally important words are leadership, vision, perseverance, sense of responsibility, knowledge, organizing, analytical, analyzing, monitoring, controlling, decisiveness, decisiveness and ‎‎stress resistance‎‎.‎


‎The labour market perspective of a project leader cannot simply be indicated, because in most cases this is highly dependent on your own knowledge, skills and competences. A reasonable number of employees will sooner or later automatically grow into project managers. These are employees who have the right competencies and motivation. It is also conceivable that a project leader works as a manager. Becoming a project leader is therefore not only dependent on the level of education. In a general sense, there is sufficient demand for good project leaders. The career opportunities of a project leader are generally highly dependent on the results achieved. It is conceivable that a good project leader can eventually grow into a ‎‎department manager‎‎ or another type of management position.‎


‎There are no specific employment conditions to indicate, because as a project leader you can of course work for different companies, organizations or governments. The salary as a project leader strongly depends on your specific tasks and whether it is a temporary or a permanent position as a project leader. When it comes to a temporary position, the remuneration will usually not be much higher than the normal salary. A project leader with a permanent position can usually ‎‎earn‎‎ between 3500 and 5000 euros gross per month, depending on age, education and responsibilities. It is usually the large and difficult projects that pay well.‎

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