Market vendor (Marktkoopman)

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Team Mijnzzp

A market vendor is a street vendor who sells his or her goods to consumers at a market. The word market is derived from the Latin word "mercatus", which stands for market and trade. Different products are offered at a weekly market, which can differ per market vendor. Think, for example, of clothing, bread products, flowers, vegetables, fish, cheese, fabrics and fruit. Most market vendors use rented market stalls, but a market vendor can also use their own sales car. This is often the case if a market vendor sells fish, cheese or bread items. All the different market vendors together make the market what it is, namely a cozy temporary point of sale where consumers can do their shopping cheaply. The products that market vendors offer are usually cheaper than in the ordinary stores. This is mainly because market vendors have less overhead costs than retailers. Within the Netherlands, markets are still popular because a wide variety of products are offered at markets. In addition to the weekly markets, there are special markets that only occur once a year, such as a Christmas market or a book market. Most market vendors work as entrepreneurs, but some market vendors also use market employees. The big difference between market vendors and usual retailers is that in most cases, market vendors specialize in one product. Think, for example, of selling children's clothing, selling fabrics or selling fruit and vegetables. A market vendor can also be regarded as a retailer, even though a market vendor does not have his own shop. Market vendors are only allowed to sell their goods at organized sales venues, such as on a street or square.

Most market vendors work as entrepreneurs and are at different markets six to seven days a week. In order to be allowed to stand on a market, a market vendor will have to register with the market master. If a place becomes available, the market vendor is usually allowed to sell his products on the market, provided that there are no other traders who sell the same products. This rule is intended to prevent certain markets from becoming too one-sided in terms of supply. The waiting times of markets can be long because popular markets are not simply abandoned by market vendors. It is also the market master, who ensures that everything on the market runs according to the market rules. For example, cars must be away from the market on time and the market vendors may not arrive too late or start loading too early if, for example, there are too few customers. In addition, the market stalls must meet established conditions in terms of display. The profession of market merchant brings many freedoms, but is not always easy. For example, a market vendor is usually on the road early to drive to the market and in the winter or autumn it can often be difficult on the market. Thick winter clothing and thermal underwear are usually necessary in that case. In many cases, market vendors work alone, but market vendors from the larger stalls usually use market workers.


As a market vendor, you are also responsible for purchasing products independently. It is not the case that all market vendors buy their products through the auction. These are generally only the market vendors, who can be classified as greengrocers, fishmongers or florists. Other market vendors usually buy in through wholesalers or make their own products, such as a baker. How exactly a market vendor buys can differ per market vendor and depends on the types of goods. In addition, in some cases, a market vendor can have his own shop. Consider, for example, a book market where antiquaars offer their books. Greengrocers and cheese farmers can also have their own shop next to the market.


Although markets are still popular, markets are losing more and more ground because markets are no longer as popular as they used to be. It is mainly the markets in the larger cities that are popular and crowded. This is mainly due to the fact that more and more people are two-income earners and do not have time to visit the market. In addition, retail is changing, as more and more people make their purchases online. Another important point is that nowadays there are enough shops to be found, which can compete with the market in terms of prices. Markets have traditionally been especially popular because certain products are cheaper than in ordinary stores. This mainly concerns products, such as vegetables, fruit, fish, cheese, flowers, fabrics and meat. In addition to the fact that these products are usually cheaper, the quality is better according to some people.


Markets have a special status because street sales are not allowed within the Netherlands. Market areas are therefore specially designed by municipalities to make the market possible. This mainly relates to the fixed facilities that are necessary for the market, such as power points, toilets and sufficient display possibilities for the market vendors. In addition, there must be enough space in the area to park all market sales cars because they are usually not allowed to remain on the market. In the past, in some cases, there was also talk of a city broadcaster.



For the profession of market merchant, it is not necessary to follow a training course because the profession of market merchant is a liberal profession. In other words, anyone can work as a market vendor. Obviously, a course within the retail trade, such as the MBO training entrepreneur retail, is advisable. With a good basic education, the chances of survival as an entrepreneur are a lot greater. In addition, specific product knowledge can be important as a market vendor. In addition, there are also plenty of external training institutes where you can follow a course. Accounting is also important as an independent entrepreneur.


A market vendor is not employed by companies because most market vendors work as entrepreneurs. A market vendor can also be regarded as a medium-sized businessman, despite the fact that a market vendor does not have to have a physical store. It is conceivable that a market vendor also performs other activities because not all market vendors work full-time. In addition, there may be special markets. Think, for example, of an antiques fair or a collector's fair. In that case, there may be private individuals or other retailers.


The most important competence of a market vendor is product knowledge because you are usually dealing with customers who are looking for specific products. In addition, a market vendor must have a commercial institution. Communication also plays an important role as a market vendor. In the case of market vendors, this mainly relates to the clear voice, which market vendors can use to attract extra attention. Another important competence is perseverance because it is especially difficult in winter on the market. Generally important words are motivation, energy, flexibility, enthusiasm, passion, independence, vigilance, planning and organizing.


The labour market perspective of a market vendor does not really apply because most market vendors work as entrepreneurs. Anyone can work as a market vendor, but surviving as a market vendor is not always easy. It is mainly the popular products, such as fish, flowers, bread and vegetables, that do well on the market. As a market vendor, there are no real career opportunities other than building a good name.


A salary indication for the profession of market merchant cannot be given because it usually all concerns independent entrepreneurs. The salary of a market vendor is highly dependent on purchasing and sales. A market vendor also has other costs such as stand money, electricity costs, fuel costs, car costs and possible storage costs.

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Lees deze informatie over Marktkoopman in het Nederlands.