Forester (Boswachter)

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A forester is an official who can be regarded as the manager and protector of a certain nature reserve. There are many nature reserves in the Netherlands, all of which are different in terms of trees and plants. These nature reserves fall under the responsibility of foresters. The forester is busy with supervision and management of the designated area on a daily basis. But also receiving visitors and showing the visitors around is a task of the forester. During guided tours, a forester will show all the special places, plants, trees and animals to the visitors. Informing visitors about the substantive work of a forester is also an important part of the work. The work of a forester is twofold, because a forester does more than just inform visitors. Other important activities of a forester are, for example, acting as an investigating officer. A forester is therefore also a supervisor, who supervises the rules with regard to the nature reserve. Another name for a forester can therefore be nature inspector. Monitoring nature reserves is important for several reasons. It is not the case that a forester only monitors possible illegal practices, such as dumping waste. A forester will also monitor the peace with regard to the nature reserve, so that the animals present do not experience stress. In addition, a forester ensures that nature will not be harmed, such as by illegally picking plants or mushrooms. The trampling of certain plants will also be prevented by the forester. In that case, it may be important that visitors only follow the designated nature trails. A forester is therefore a nature manager, who can also be regarded as an investigating officer.

Supervision is an important part of a forester's duties. It often happens that people cannot behave and cause destruction or pick plants or mushrooms while this is forbidden. But also the harassment of animals during the Bronze Age occurs, for example by entering the nature reserve with a bicycle or motorcycle while this is prohibited. These are all matters for which a forester can issue fines. In recent years it also happens that there are people who find a nature reserve ideal to dump their rubbish. Cleaning up this mess costs a lot of money, which can no longer be spent on nature management. Because a forester can be found daily in a nature reserve, he knows exactly what is going on in his area and / or there are sick trees that must be removed. It is also possible that a tree has become dangerous, because it can fall over on a hiking trail. A forester will not quickly cut down trees himself if they have to leave, but will arrange for them to be cut down if necessary. Not all fallen or felled trees are removed from the nature reserve, because all kinds of animals can take shelter under or in the felled trees. The profession of forester gives a lot of freedom and independence. A forester often goes out in nature alone. Yet it is not the case that a forester can be found in his nature reserve all day. A forester will also sometimes have to consult or meet with other people. Visiting other nature reserves is also very useful as a forester, to learn from other foresters.


The profession of forester has a great attraction for many people, because the work is carried out in nature. As a forester, in most cases nowadays you are not only a forester, but also a BOA with enforcement powers. This means that as a forester or BOA you have extra powers. Think of being allowed to stop people and to fine people if they have committed an offence. In most cases, these are minor violations, such as letting dogs run loose or entering nature reserves where this is not allowed. More serious violations can be, for example, poaching or dumping waste in a nature reserve. A forester with BOA powers is sometimes called a "green boa". It is not the case that a forester is solely responsible for supervising. A forester can be regarded as a field worker in a broad way. As a forester, you will also regularly act as a guide and educational employee. This is especially the case during guided tours. During this type of tour, a forester can also use other specialists and / or scientists, such as biologists, hydrologists and ornithologists, who can give visitors even more information about the nature reserve in question.


It is not the case that foresters only work in the field. Foresters are managers who work in a broad way with regard to nature management. A forester will work in the office about half the time to arrange various matters that concern the nature reserve. Think, for example, of engaging foresters to have certain trees cut down or of providing information to stakeholders. For example, a forester may also have to deal with stewards or with officials within a municipality. Thus, protecting flora and fauna does not only concern the physical presence of foresters. Foresters are broadly responsible for protecting flora and fauna. Of course, a forester can also give tours to interested nature lovers. Incidentally, in that case there may also be a nature guide.



In order to be able to work as a forester, there are several training opportunities, which can also differ in level. It is also possible to become a forester with the MBO training professional forest and nature management employee. Another programme can be the Bachelor's degree programme in Forest and Nature Management. With the MBO programme, you usually start in the position of field guard and you can grow into a forester. To become a forester, it is best to go to a forestry school. However, there are more courses that are focused on nature. It is important that the direction ecology and nature is chosen, in order to have a chance as a forester. In addition, in many cases it is possible to become a forester in other ways. Think, for example, of scientists, who can be retrained as foresters by following additional training courses. Flora and fauna is a broad field that can relate to different professionals and/or scientists. Accounting is also important as an entrepreneur.


As a forester, you are actually always employed by government institutions, such as Staatsbosbeheer or Natuurmonumenten. In addition, a forester can work for provincial landscapes. Provincial landscapes are provincial private nature area managing organizations in the Netherlands. In most cases, a forester will therefore have to be regarded as a civil servant. An important addition to this is that municipal Boas cannot simply be classified as foresters.


As a forester you have a great love for nature and everything that comes with it. Nevertheless, the profession of forester involves much more than enjoying nature. As a forester, you are also an advisor and inform visitors, such as schoolchildren or other groups of people. In addition, you are an investigating officer and you watch over the forest as a supervisor. As a forester, it is important that you are sufficiently trained and that you know everything about the flora and fauna in a forest, so that you can advise people who need to carry out maintenance. Because a forester has to deal with many different people, communication can be regarded as an important competence. Conflict management is also an important competence of a forester. Generally important words are passion, energy, motivation, independence, cooperation, consultation and inspiration.


The labour market perspective of a forester is generally not very large, because there are relatively few foresters. In addition, the profession of forester can be regarded as a popular profession. Becoming a forester is therefore in many cases not just possible. Most foresters have a long career as a forester, because working as a forester can be seen as a vocation. In other words, there must be a lot of passion as a forester. The turnover among foresters is also not great. In addition, the profession of forester is a profession that you must be awarded. Becoming a forester is therefore not only dependent on the education and / or studies. The career opportunities of a forester are generally quite limited. It is conceivable that a forester will hold some kind of management position within the organization.


As a forester, your employment conditions are usually well arranged because you are employed by the semi-government. The salary as a forester is usually not very high and falls under the so-called middle incomes. A forester will earn between 2500 and 3100 euros gross per month, depending on his age, education and responsibilities.

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