Press photographer (Persfotograaf)

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A press photographer is a photographer who takes press photos, which can be used for different types of news items. Press photos can be commissioned for a media company or are made at will by the press photographer. In the latter case, the press photographer may try to sell press photos to interested parties. The profession of press photographer has changed a lot in recent years, because most media companies only use independently working press photographers, who are hired for certain assignments. As a press photographer, you are therefore in most cases working for various clients. In addition, a press photographer can independently look for newsworthy press photos, hoping to sell them. The specialization press photographer has not died out, but has changed in recent years, because nowadays everyone can take photos. The latter mainly relates to current news that can be photographed by bystanders, without there being a real press photographer. A press photographer is therefore specialized in press photography, which refers to photos that are used to supplement certain news topics. It is not the case that a press photographer only looks for exciting photos, because a press photographer also works by appointment to take press photos. Most media companies hire press photographers when, for example, they write an article for a newspaper or magazine that needs to be provided with photos. If a press photographer works independently, he can also independently search for interesting pictures, such as of famous people. In this case, a press photographer is sometimes called a paparazzo. But this does not always have to be the case, because a press photographer is not only looking for famous people. For example, a press photographer can also take photos of an interesting sports match or other event.

A press photographer is therefore a photographer who has professionally specialized in press photography. As a press photographer, you will regularly work on assignment for image editors, journalists or webmasters who need specific news photos. In many cases, these are press photos that serve as a supplement for news topics, both nationally and regionally. Think, for example, of press photos, such as of a mayor, minister or of a large fire. For newsrooms, good press photos are indispensable in most cases, because current press photos are an important addition to news articles. The profession of press photographer requires a lot of flexibility, because press photographers never really know exactly what their next assignment is. This is mainly due to the daily news that requires different press photos every day. As described earlier, it is not the case that press photographers only have to take action spontaneously. Most media companies also have to deal with scheduled news articles, where you can work by appointment. Consider, for example, a press photographer, who will visit a manufacturer or forester on assignment to take news photos as a supplement to an article.


Among the press photographers nowadays there are many independent entrepreneurs who work on behalf of, for example, an editor, web editor or publishers. The good press photographers are usually known to newspapers, magazines or internet entrepreneurs and are regularly called in for various assignments. Yet this market is also changing, because nowadays there are many people who can take photos themselves with their smartphone. This mainly concerns current news photos, which are quickly picked up by media companies via the various social media channels. This does not alter the fact that press photographers still have an important role within the media world. Think, for example, of photographing important football matches, cycling rounds or photographing directors as a supplement to an article. These types of news photos are usually not available just like that and are often made by press photographers.


A press photographer is broadly responsible for photojournalism. Photojournalism isn't just about taking news photos. Think, for example, of editing photos, archiving photos and arranging the rights with regard to the photos. In general, a press photographer specializes in photojournalism and in documentary photography. Photojournalism cannot simply be compared to documentary photography, despite the fact that photojournalism and documentary photography do have great common ground with each other. Photojournalism is generally only focused on supplementing news articles. Documentary photography is more focused on being able to prove certain arguments through photographs. Creating awareness among readers is also part of documentary photography. In other words, within documentary photography it is important to make the right news photos that demonstrate certain points beyond doubt. Within documentary photography, it is therefore not possible to use general photographs. This is the case within photojournalism. Documentary photography, for example, applies within investigative journalism.



There are no specific training opportunities to work as a press photographer. However, there are training opportunities for the profession of photographer at both MBO level and hbo level. At Mbo you can start with the photography employee training at level two, and then follow the MBO photography course at level four. The training to become a photographer through the Mbo school will usually take four years and prepares you as a photographer. If you want to learn even more afterwards, it is best to follow the private hbo education at the photo school. The direction of photographic design can be followed both in a two-year study and in a four-year study. During the programme you will also work and, depending on the chosen study, go to school one or two days a week for the theory. During the photographer training, attention is paid to the following subjects: portrait photography, lighting, editing, analog techniques, digital techniques, camera technique and creativity. But of course you also learn to work with the most famous photo programs to be able to edit your photos. As a photographer, the computer nowadays plays an important role within the profession. After your education, there are various specializations possible as a photographer that you can focus on, depending on your own wishes as a photographer. In addition, there are also plenty of external training institutes where you can follow a course. Accounting is also important as an entrepreneur.


In most cases, a press photographer will have to be regarded as an entrepreneur, who works as a freelancer for various clients. The profession of press photographer is almost non-existent in paid employment nowadays. A press photographer can also work at his own discretion. Think, for example, of a press photographer, who can also be classified as a paparazzo. A paparazzo is a photographer who takes photos of well-known artists, presenters and other influencers at his own discretion.


The most important competence of a press photographer is the knowledge of press photography and the general journalistic knowledge. In addition, a press photographer must have good communication skills, because you are dealing with many different people. Because most press photographers work as entrepreneurs, you will also have to have a commercial institution. Networking is also important to get to know the right people within the media industry. Generally important words are perseverance, creativity, inspiration, organizing, planning, collaboration and stress resistance. General entrepreneurial skills should also not be lacking as a press photographer.


The labour market perspective of a press photographer is no longer good nowadays. The well-known employers, such as newspaper publishers and other companies within the media industry, are now increasingly working with freelancers and are not hiring new photographers any time soon. Most press photographers therefore have nothing to do with a possible labour market perspective. An independently working press photographer will have to determine his own labour market perspective by winning enough assignments. Growing as a press photographer should be seen in breaking through as a press photographer, so that you get more assignments. There are no further specific career opportunities for a press photographer.


There are no specific employment conditions to indicate for the profession of press photographer because the employers will generally be too different. For example, a press photographer from a large newspaper will earn more than a press photographer from a small local newspaper or weekly. As an independent press photographer, you naturally determine your own terms of employment. An employed press photographer will usually earn between 2200 and 2800 euros gross per month, depending on his age, education, fame and responsibilities. An independently working press photographer usually works on commission for a fixed fee. A freelance photographer who takes photos independently will in most cases sell his photos individually to interested parties. The competition among the press photographers can be called great, which can make the chances of survival as a press photographer difficult. It is therefore important to distinguish yourself from other photographers.

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