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A lawyer in international and European law is a lawyer who specializes in international and European law. International and European law is a separate specialization, which requires specific knowledge within the legal profession because international and European law is complex and extensive. Think, for example, of European partnerships, European directives, European regulations and international company takeovers. A lawyer in international and European law is therefore a lawyer who not only has knowledge of Dutch law, but also has knowledge of European law and public international law. An important part of the specialization international and European law are the general legal concepts and the different legal systems, which can differ per country. Some important disciplines within the study are economic law, (international) constitutional and administrative law and international economic relations. Lawyers in international and European law are important because people and companies can have to deal with different countries and therefore with different legislation. In addition, countries are increasingly confronted with regulations from Brussels. It is the lawyers of international and European law, who have specialized in the different legislation, which can differ per country. It is almost impossible for laymen to know all the rules and laws of the different countries. Especially for individuals and companies doing business in other countries, it can be important to first contact a specialist, such as a lawyer in international and European law, to avoid possible problems. A lawyer in international and European law can assist people and companies in different ways, which can vary per person or company.

A lawyer in international and European law is therefore specialized in international and European law. International law is not only about rights abroad, but also about how these rights should be applied within the Netherlands. Consider, for example, the interpretation of new laws from Brussels and the consequences of these laws on existing laws in the Netherlands. With the specialization international and European law, you can go in different directions after your studies. Think, for example, of immigration matters, human rights or working for an international organization, such as the United Nations. It goes without saying that a lawyer in international and European law may have to deal with private individuals and entrepreneurs who need help with international legal matters. Guiding people when it comes to international legislation quickly becomes specialist work, which requires specific knowledge. Think, for example, of importing goods from different countries or of a complex business takeover. In some cases, a lawyer in international and European law may cooperate with a lawyer-tax law. In addition, a lawyer in international and European law will regularly have to deal with in-house lawyers who are confronted with international regulations.


International and European law is not only important for lawyers because the government uses lawyers who specialize in international and European law. In that case, lawyers are usually responsible for negotiating new treaties that concern the Netherlands as a diplomat. Another example is working for international governmental organizations. Governmental organizations can focus on several important societal issues. Think of development work, human rights, health, water management and environmental protection. Because the study of international and European law is a broad study, graduated lawyers can work in many different ways.



Anyone who aspires to a career as a lawyer will initially have to follow and complete the university law course. The university degree in law can be followed through most universities in the Netherlands. However, the programmes and programmes may differ per university. For example, the study of law can be followed at the University of Leiden, at the University of Groningen or in Utrecht. The Bachelor's programme in Law has six specialisations, namely: Dutch law, international and European law, IT law, tax law, notarial law and legal public administration. The first year of the Bachelor's programme is fairly general and should be seen as an important orientation year, in which you will receive courses such as private law, constitutional law and criminal law. After the three-year Bachelor's programme, you will start the Master's programme, which will take another one to two years. After completing your law studies, you are not yet a lawyer, but a lawyer. To be allowed to work as a lawyer, you will first have to follow an internship period of three years, under the supervision of a recognized lawyer. After completing the internship period and the compulsory vocational training for the legal profession, you can register with the Dutch Bar Association so that you can be registered as a recognized lawyer. In addition, there are also plenty of external training institutes where you can follow a course. Accounting is also important as an entrepreneur.


A lawyer in international and European law generally works for a law firm or works as an entrepreneur within his own law firm. In addition, a lawyer in international and European law can work as a policy officer for a ministry. As described earlier, a lawyer can work in international and European law within the business world. Think, for example, of financial institutions that have to deal with complex international regulations. In that case, the compliance manager position may apply.


The most important competence of a lawyer is partiality because a lawyer must be regarded as a confidential advisor of clients. In addition, it is important that as a lawyer, you have sufficient professional knowledge within your specialization (s) and that you stay informed by following further training because you have to deal with laws and regulations. Of course, a lawyer must also have good communication skills. A lawyer must also have analytical skills so that you can distinguish the side issues from the main cases. Generally important words are mediating, arguing, negotiating, motivation, professional secrecy, networking, consultation, cooperation, listening, planning, organizing and stress resistance. Obviously, a lawyer has to deal with various mandatory professional competences.


The labour market perspective of a lawyer in international and European law is good. As described earlier, it is not the case that a lawyer in international and European law can only work for law firms. Lawyers who specialise in international and European law can work for various companies and governments. The career opportunities of a lawyer in international and European law are limited and should be seen in building a good reputation within the legal profession so that you get the bigger and interesting cases and can possibly become a partner within a partnership. It goes without saying that a tax lawyer can also obtain a PhD as a scientist.


There are no specific employment conditions for a lawyer because you can work for different companies and governments with their own employment conditions. However, on the website of the Dutch Bar Association, you can find more information about the employment conditions as an aspiring lawyer. A prospective lawyer earns an average of 2,200 euros gross per month in the first year, 2,560 euros gross per month in the second year and 2,900 euros gross per month in the third year. What exactly a full-fledged lawyer will earn is difficult to indicate because there are major differences within the legal profession. But in general, a lawyer will earn between 2,500 and 9,000 euros gross per month, depending on his age and responsibilities within the organization. Of course, there are also specialist lawyers who earn a multiple of the aforementioned salary.

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