Columnist (Columnist)

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A columnist is a regular publicist who has his own column in, for example, newspapers, weeklies or websites. A columnist can write about the same subject every time or highlight current events. There are several columnists who are known locally or nationally as columnists. Although the well-known columnists often write about different topics, there are also columnists who write about fixed topics, such as politics or cars. A columnist can be seen as a writer, even though he or she does not have to write books or novels himself or herself. Another name for columnist can also be publicist. Columnists are generally well-known or highly regarded persons who have specific knowledge regarding certain topics. The columns that are published by columnists can often cause a lot of loosening among people because of the sharp vision or opinion of columnists. A columnist generally has a lot of free space when it comes to his views on a particular topic, and can express his opinion clearly through his columns. In many cases, a columnist knows how to touch people with his columns, both positive and negative, which will usually provoke many reactions, so that a discussion arises. The profession of columnist should also be seen as fairly general, because columnists can also perform other activities. Working as a columnist is usually a secondary position and not a full-fledged profession. It is not that the profession of columnist is reserved only for professional writers or poets. Anyone can work as a columnist. An important condition is that it concerns someone who has a lot of knowledge of certain subjects. Think, for example, of a car journalist, a politician or a historian, who can write or speak in fascinating and above all inspiring ways.

Nowadays, the term columnist is fading somewhat, because from the past columnists were mostly writers. Today, a columnist no longer needs to be a well-known writer because anyone can become a columnist. Think, for example, of ex-ministers, professors or well-known actors who are asked by media companies. Also, with the rise of the internet, writing articles and columns has become easier and everyone can start their own website and therefore also a column. A good columnist still knows how to captivate people with his or her columns today. The profession of columnist cannot be described unambiguously, because a columnist can write about anything and everything within his or her columns. There are also columnists who are less well known, because, for example, they only write about professional literature within professional journals. In addition, a columnist can also write exclusively for regional newspapers, making him or her less known to the general public.


In fact, anyone who has unique knowledge can work as a communist. Think, for example, of writers who can be classified as literary critics, or journalists who should be regarded as car journalists. In addition, most columnists can be regarded as opinion makers. An opinion maker specializes in sparking certain social discussions. As described earlier, nowadays anyone can work as a columnist, because there are many opportunities to spark discussions. Think, for example, of the well-known bloggers, who have their own blog. A general important condition is that columnists have to reach many people with their columns. Well-known columnists, who write many columns, can also publish the columns as a book.


A column does not only have to be read in a newspaper, magazine or on the internet, because there will also be spoken columns on radio and television. In that case, a columnist will be part of a radio program or television program in which the columnist will be heard and / or seen with great regularity. In that case, it is the (permanent) presenter who will work together with the columnist. Columnists who work for radio or television are often professionals who should be considered influencers. In other words, these are influential people, who are known to a wide audience.



There are no national training opportunities for the profession of columnist through ordinary schools. However, there are courses for the interested ones that may be able to help someone further. In addition, there are of course sufficient journalistic training opportunities. However, learning to write engaging articles, as a columnist does, is part learning and partly gaining experience. Not all columnists have received appropriate prior education. They are also sometimes asked for their specific knowledge or experiences on certain topics. Accounting is also important as an independent columnist.


A columnist can work for various companies, such as newspaper publishers, week magazine publishers, online publishers, trade magazine publishers, radio and television. In addition, it is true that quite a lot of columnists can be regarded as entrepreneurs. For most columnists, writing columns cannot be considered a full-time position. In other words, a columnist can also simply receive a fixed fee per written column. Some columnists can also be considered volunteers. This often concerns columnists who are active for regional newspapers or other types of publishers. Nowadays, a columnist can also work for web editors, if it concerns the internet.


The most important competence of a columnist is inspiration, because without inspiration you cannot write fascinating columns. Communication can also be regarded as an important competence, because good columns can cause a lot of excitement among people. Being able to tolerate criticism can also be important as a columnist. If you work as a freelancer, you will also have to have a commercial institution. Networking can also be important as a columnist. Generally important words are trends, flexibility, creativity, motivation, persuasiveness, courage, critical, planning, performance and social involvement.


The labor market perspective doesn't really apply to the columnist profession, as most columnists work as freelancers. In other words, for most columnists, writing columns involves additional work in a different profession. The career opportunities of a columnist should be seen in gaining national fame, so that more people read your columns. In addition, a columnist can also start his own podcast. There are actually no further career opportunities as a columnist.


The profession of columnist is not specific enough to be able to name possible employment conditions. In addition, most columnists actually perform other work. It is also not possible to give a salary indication for the profession of columnist. Most columnists receive a fixed fee per column. A columnist will not receive an ordinary salary in most cases.

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