Hotel concierge (Conciërge (hotel))

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‎A hotel concierge is responsible for various activities, which are not only related to facility services. In short, we can best describe the work of a hotel concierge as providing services to hotel guests. Hotel guests within a hotel can generally contact the concierge with all kinds of questions, which have to do with the services of the hotel. Think, for example, of arranging a rental car, of arranging a taxi, or of guests who may have complaints. A hotel concierge is therefore a versatile employee, who actually solves all common problems for the hotel guests. A hotel concierge is generally also charged with supervising the hotel and its immediate surroundings. Because there are different types of hotels, the activities of a hotel concierge can differ per hotel. In all cases, the work of a hotel concierge does have to do with service and services. A caretaker is traditionally officially a supervisor of buildings, but modern concierges are responsible for more work. Most concierges working at a hotel are also responsible for providing relevant information about the city to hotel guests. In that respect, a concierge can also be seen as a kind of guide. The substantive activities of a hotel concierge should also be seen as fairly general, because not all hotels have several hotel employees. In other words, a hotel concierge can also be responsible for other work that is not directly related to concierge work. In most cases, a hotel concierge will have to be seen as an all-round hotel employee, but this can differ per hotel. It is conceivable that a hotel concierge can also be seen as a night porter.‎

‎A hotel concierge is therefore a ‎‎facility employee‎‎ who in most cases is also responsible for other activities. It is therefore conceivable that a hotel concierge can be seen as ‎‎a handyman‎‎, ‎‎hotel porter‎‎, ‎‎night porter‎‎ or as ‎‎a bagagist‎‎. As described earlier, this can differ per hotel, because the better and more luxurious hotels can use different employees. This is often the case when luxury hotels use the hotel rating system. The hotel rating system may require hotel owners to use hotel porters in order to qualify for the maximum achievable number of stars. In that case, different hotel employees will be used, all of whom are responsible for specific work to maximize the service. This is generally only the case within the more luxurious hotels. Usually a hotel concierge will be available anywhere for various activities. Consider, for example, parking cars as ‎‎a car park host‎‎. This is also a luxury service that is not available within all hotels.‎


‎As a concierge, you are therefore in most cases an all-round hotel employee, who is responsible for various activities. Supervising the general safety of the hotel and guests is also part of the work of a concierge. In addition, a hotel concierge can act ‎‎as a quality inspector‎‎ regarding the hotel's cleaners. In that case, a hotel concierge will check the various ‎‎chambermaids‎‎ and other types of facility staff for the cleaning work carried out. This can also differ per hotel, because a hotel can also use a ‎‎facility manager‎‎ who will independently check the cleaning work.‎


‎Hotel concierges are generally regarded as indispensable employees, because hotels are generally large buildings in which many hotel guests stay. Just like in other buildings, hotel owners and ‎‎hotel managers‎‎ regularly have to deal with things that break down. It is the hotel concierge who can solve small problems in a fast and flexible way, so that in most cases no need to use external companies. If it concerns larger work, a hotel concierge will usually not carry out this work himself, but he or she can coordinate the work. A good concierge is therefore an important service employee, who can also be seen as ‎‎an administrator‎‎. Because a hotel concierge is an all-round employee, the hotel concierge can also be used for other activities, such as preparing a meeting room or helping with ‎‎catering‎‎.‎


  • ‎Assisting external companies‎
  • ‎Providing general service‎
  • ‎Booking taxis and other external services‎
  • ‎Supervising the hotel and its surroundings‎
  • ‎Informing hotel guests about the hotel and the city‎
  • ‎Setting up tables and chairs‎
  • ‎Performing maintenance work‎
  • ‎Carrying out cleaning work‎



‎There are no recognized vocational training courses to ‎‎become a janitor‎‎. In general, a hotel concierge will have to be seen as an all-round professional, who has the right attitude and technical knowledge to be able to work as a hotel concierge. It is not the case that everyone can just work as a hotel concierge, because the profession of hotel concierge cannot be seen as unskilled ‎‎labor‎‎. A hotel concierge can have various suitable training courses, which have common ground with the work of a hotel concierge. It is also not possible to name a specific training, because this can differ per hotel concierge. In addition, hotel owners may need different knowledge at a hotel concierge. It is also conceivable that new hotel concierges are trained by experienced colleagues, who in that case can be seen as ‎‎a teacher‎‎. In addition, there are also plenty ‎‎of external training institutes‎‎ where you can follow a course. Accounting is ‎‎also‎‎ important as an entrepreneur.‎


‎A hotel concierge works within a ‎‎hotel‎‎. In addition, it is conceivable that a hotel concierge works within larger ‎‎guesthouses‎‎, which may have to do with many guests. The profession of janitor can also relate to ‎‎education‎‎ or business. Within the business community, in most cases, the term concierge will not apply, but the term ‎‎service employee buildings‎‎. Thus, a janitor can work for different types of employers in different ways. The substantive activities can differ per type of employer.‎


‎The most important competence as a hotel concierge is the serviceable attitude, because that is very important within hotels. In addition, a hotel concierge must be able to be seen as a ‎‎host‎‎, who understands how important proper service is. Also, a hotel concierge should be seen as an all-round ‎‎mechanic‎‎ and ‎‎technician‎‎, because a hotel concierge is responsible for performing various types of chores and maintenance work. In that respect, the hotel concierge should also be seen as ‎‎a maintenance man‎‎. It is not the case that a hotel concierge is responsible for all maintenance work, as this is only the case with regard to the smaller jobs. In the case of larger activities, in most cases there will be external companies. Because a hotel concierge generally has a lot to do with various colleagues and hotel guests, the hotel concierge will have to have good ‎‎communication‎‎ skills. Another important competence as a hotel concierge is insight. A hotel concierge must be able to work independently at his own discretion. Think, for example, of cleaning certain areas if necessary, or of monitoring the general ‎‎hygiene‎‎ within the hotel. Generally important words like hotel concierge are energy, flexibility, cooperation, sense of responsibility, planning, consultation and passion. Finally, it is important that a hotel concierge can in most cases also be seen as a kind of ‎‎guide‎‎. A good hotel concierge should be able to inform hotel guests in a broad way about possible activities in the area.‎


‎The job market perspective of a hotel concierge is generally reasonable. Not all hotels use full-time working hotel concierges, because this is only the case within the larger and more luxurious hotels. The profession of hotel concierge is therefore relatively rare. The career opportunities of a hotel concierge should be seen in gaining more responsibilities. Think, for example, of the position ‎‎of head of technical service‎‎. This can vary per hotel and with your own level of education. The position of head of technical service is also not standard in all hotels. In general, the career opportunities of a hotel concierge will therefore be limited.‎


‎A hotel concierge will generally fall under the Horeca collective labour agreement, in which the employment conditions are regulated depending on the employer. In general, a hotel concierge will have to deal with alternating shifts, which can also differ per employer. As a concierge, depending on your age, experience and responsibilities, you earn a ‎‎salary‎‎ between 2000 and 2500 euros gross per month.‎

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