Tutor (Bijlesdocent)

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A tutor is a teacher, student or other person who has an affinity with education. As a tutor, you give tutoring in certain subjects to pupils or students who have difficulty with their subject matter. The most important task of a tutor is to support and possibly motivate pupils and students. If a student in the classroom cannot fully keep up with the material, a tutor can offer a solution. Most tutorials are given one-on-one, but this does not always have to be the case, because there are also special tutoring classes, in which several students are present. In this way, the tutor can give all his attention to the pupils or students. Another task that fits perfectly with a tutor is homework guidance. In the Netherlands there are quite a lot of pupils and students who use tutoring in one way or another. Tutoring in all cases relates to additional education that pupils or students follow, in addition to the lessons that the pupils or students follow within the educational institution. Nowadays there are quite a lot of educational institutions that make it possible to follow tutoring at school, but this can differ per educational institution. In many cases, tutoring relates to the exact subjects of mathematics, chemistry and physics. In addition, it can be subjects such as Dutch, English or French. Tutoring is important for pupils and students in several ways. Think, for example, of the compulsory passing of courses and of the general motivation, which must be present to progress within the programme. So following tutoring is not only useful for the level of knowledge. The profession of tutor should also be seen as fairly general, because tutors can relate to different teachers who teach different subjects. For example, a tutor can also be a retired teacher.

As a tutor, you therefore have to deal with students who cannot keep up with certain learning material. It's not that students only take tutorials because they don't understand the material. Think, for example, of students who have difficulty with structure or students who have concentration problems. For students who have concentration problems, or who do not understand the subject matter, extra help is often needed. Usually, following tutoring for a few hours a week is enough to help the student on his way. In most cases, the tutor quickly sees whether the student really understands the material and ensures that the student does what is required. For almost every subject there is someone who wants to give extra tutoring. It is common for students in a certain subject, such as mathematics, not to be able to keep up. Usually the student does not understand a certain part of the material, leaving the student behind. To prevent problems later on, it is advisable to use a tutor, so that the level is brought up to standard and the lessons in the classroom are better understood. In most cases, a few personal lessons are sufficient to help a student understand the material so that he can work independently. There are people everywhere who want to give students tutoring. Often these are people with a lot of knowledge of a certain subject, or retired teachers, who have time to spare and so, want to generate some extra income.


All students will sooner or later have to deal with homework. The purpose of homework is that the student does it at home without the help of the teacher. One of the main reasons for homework is to instill a sense of responsibility in the student. For some students, doing homework is not easy. This may be partly due to the student's lack of understanding of the material or concentration problems. Also, the temptation to do other things can affect the homework. Think, for example, of social media, gaming, sports or watching television. A tutor can therefore also be useful when it comes to homework guidance. In that case, a tutor can also be seen as a supervisor with regard to actually doing the homework. Homework guidance does not have to relate to pupils who do not understand the subject matter.


  • Building structure;
  • Receiving individual guidance;
  • Increasing self-confidence;
  • Eliminating backlogs;
  • Improving overall development;
  • Removing unnecessary stress;
  • Regaining motivation.



There are no national training opportunities for the profession of tutor. However, there are so-called study circles to be found, where qualified teachers or other people with the right papers can join to give tutoring. In order to be able to join a study circle, one will usually expect at least hbo level. In addition, there are of course also teachers or other people who can offer the service independently. With a tutor, students can generally perform various services, such as homework guidance, tutoring or taking exam training. Of all the services that a tutor can offer, the tutoring component is usually one-on-one guidance, and homework guidance can be followed with several people, for example. In addition, there are also plenty of external training institutes where you can follow a course. Accounting is also important as an entrepreneur.


In most cases, a tutor must be regarded as an entrepreneur or as a teacher who gives tutoring. In addition, a tutor can be active as a volunteer. The profession of tutor usually involves an educationalist, such as a mathematics teacher, physics teacher, chemistry teacher, Dutch teacher, French teacher or English teacher. Craftsmen who have at least a bachelor's degree can also be active as tutors. Think, for example, of biologists, physicists or educational staff, who may also be committed to giving tutoring. In practice, a tutor can also be a parent or family member, who is temporarily committed to giving tutoring.


The most important competence of a tutor is the didactic skills. In addition, a tutor must be regarded as an important coach for students. Coaching does not only relate to educational tasks, because building structure and discipline is also usually an important part of the work. A tutor will also need to have good communication skills. Generally important words are inspire, motivate, plan, organize, control, analyze, patience and stress resistance.


The labour market perspective of a tutor does not really apply, because for most tutors, tutoring should be regarded as additional work. In addition, a tutor can work as a freelancer. In that case, you are responsible for the labour market perspective yourself, by winning enough assignments. A tutor generally does not have to deal with possible career opportunities.


A tutor usually works as a self-employed person and will therefore determine his own terms of employment. This can of course be different if a teacher joins an organization. Most tutors charge a fixed fee for the tutoring per hour. The rate for tutoring can vary considerably per teacher or organization. Usually the independently working teachers are cheaper than tutors through an organization. The rate for tutoring is generally between twenty and thirty-five euros per hour, including VAT, per student.

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