Brand manager (Brand manager)

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‎A brand manager is responsible for brand management. Brand management is about increasing the market share of certain products, services and/or brands, where the long-term value is important. In other words, a brand manager is responsible for developing added value for the organization. Brand management is therefore a special form of marketing, in which strengthening brand awareness plays an important role. Promoting customer loyalty is also a specific task that belongs to a brand manager. It is the brand manager who is responsible for all activities related to brand management. In short, we can best describe the work of a brand manager as putting products, services and / or brands on the market and expanding them. The profession of brand manager cannot simply be compared to the profession of marketer, because a brand manager is responsible for increasing sales by creating added value of certain brands, which will increase sales and therefore turnover. A marketer will focus on the direct sale of services and/or products. As a manager, a brand manager is in many cases directly related to marketers as a manager. The activities of a brand manager are very diverse and involve more than just advertising certain products, services and / or brands. A brand manager will conduct extensive market research and determine a market strategy based on the findings in which the objectives of the organization must be achieved. Even after starting a marketing campaign, the brand manager will continue to closely monitor the progress and adjust it if necessary. Maintaining contacts with external companies is also the responsibility of the brand manager.‎

‎A brand manager is therefore responsible for putting new brands on the market and / or building brand awareness of brands. Depending on where exactly the brand manager works, he or she will in most cases also consult with other managers. Think, for example, of a ‎‎retail manager‎‎ and a ‎‎financial manager‎‎ who can all be involved. In addition, a brand manager may have to deal with a ‎‎product manager‎‎. The brand manager is therefore responsible for everything that has to do with the marketing with regard to products, services and / or brands. Putting ‎‎products, services and/or brands‎‎ on the market in the right way is very important for companies and that is why companies use a brand manager. A brand manager can therefore be expected to have a lot of knowledge with regard to sales strategies and ‎‎marketing channels‎‎.‎


‎Because brand management is all about marketing, a brand manager can also work with ‎‎marketing analysts‎‎, who specialize in devising and optimizing marketing campaigns. In addition, it is conceivable that as a brand manager you work together with various ‎‎marketers‎‎, ‎‎copywriters‎‎ and advertising agencies. An important addition to this is that as a brand manager you are more focused on strengthening the brand awareness of products and / or services. In other words, the primary goal is not to make sales. A brand manager aims to increase the brand awareness of products and/or services. A brand manager can achieve this, for example, through targeted advertising. Think, for example, of advertising on ‎‎YouTube‎‎ by using a well-known ‎‎influencer‎‎. Indirectly, increasing brand awareness will also ensure that more products and/or services are purchased.‎


‎Brand management is temporarily nothing more than increasing the brand awareness of a certain brand. Think, for example, of ‎‎small and medium-sized businesses‎‎, who want to bring certain new products from a brand to the attention of the target group. In that case, a brand manager can choose to advertise a lot and especially regularly, so that everyone has knowledge of the brand after a certain period of time. In that case, the strength of brand management lies in the repetition, which will increase the brand awareness of a brand. If the brand awareness has taken sufficient form, for example, ‎‎online marketers‎‎ can apply appropriate commercial ‎‎advertisements‎‎. These advertisements are then no longer focused on brand management, but focused on realizing sales.‎


  • ‎Entering into possible partnerships‎
  • ‎Managing employees and external companies‎
  • ‎Guiding marketing campaigns‎
  • ‎Keeping track of market developments‎
  • ‎Sustainably strengthening products, services and/or brands‎
  • ‎Helping to design logos, corporate identity and packaging‎
  • ‎Thinking along about the launch of new products, services and/or brands‎
  • ‎Researching the wishes and needs of consumers‎
  • ‎Drawing up and monitoring budgets‎
  • ‎Consulting with other managers and the board of directors‎
  • ‎Monitoring post-launch progress‎



‎There are various courses that are suitable for the profession of brand manager, such as the Hbo-study Brand Management or the university study Marketing Management. The profession of brand manager should be seen as a profession at least hbo level in which work experience will also play an important role. A brand manager can therefore have various training courses. The ‎‎Netherlands Institute for Brand Management‎‎ can find more information about possible courses. In addition, there are also plenty ‎‎of external training institutes‎‎ where you can follow a course. Accounting is ‎‎also‎‎ important as an entrepreneur.‎


‎As a brand manager you work for commercial companies that sell products or services. Think, for example, of food producers, media companies, ‎‎large web shops‎‎ and the retail sector. In fact, a brand manager can work anywhere. It is true that it usually concerns the larger companies that use a brand manager. It is conceivable that a brand manager can also be regarded as ‎‎an entrepreneur‎‎ or as ‎‎a consultant‎‎. Most brand managers are employed.‎


‎One of the most important competencies of a brand manager is being able to think strategically. In addition, a brand manager must have a ‎‎commercial‎‎ attitude. As a manager, you must also have managerial abilities. In addition, ‎‎communication‎‎ can be regarded as an important competence, because you will work a lot with other colleagues and external organizations. Generally important words are knowledge, passion, ‎‎inspiration‎‎, courage, perseverance, creativity, ‎‎innovation‎‎, performance, monitoring, analytical, planning and organizing. Finally, it is not unimportant to mention that a brand manager must also be a kind of ‎‎trend watcher‎‎.‎


‎The job market perspective of a brand manager is generally reasonable, partly because not everyone can just become a brand manager. The right education and work experience will in many cases determine whether you are eligible for the profession of brand manager. As described earlier, it is generally only the larger organizations that use a brand manager, so you can not work everywhere as a brand manager. The career opportunities of a brand manager should generally be seen in obtaining more responsibilities. Consider, for example, the position ‎‎of sales manager‎‎. A sales manager works in a broader way than a brand manager.‎


‎There are no examples of specific employment conditions, because as a brand manager you can work within different sectors. A brand manager will typically earn a ‎‎salary‎‎ between 4500 and 5500 gross per month depending on age, education and further responsibilities.‎

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